
We offer a wide range of training and professional development to support the school workforce (including Governors) in developing the knowledge, confidence and skills needed to ensure best practice and effective delivery within PSHE education.

Examples of current training options:
Watch a short clip which explains more about this element of our service:

Introduction to PSHE/RSHE

Aims to give PSHE subject leads a clearer understanding of what PSHEe is and enable them to feel more confident in leading on this important subject

Ofsted & PSHE

A look at how high quality Personal, Social, Health & Economic education (PSHEe) can make a significant contribution to successful Ofsted judgements

Assessment in PSHE

Examines the thinking behind assessment within PSHE education and how teachers can integrate effective methods into their practice

Basic Drug Awareness

Aims to give delegates a good level of understanding around basic drug awareness and substance related issues in children and young people

Introduction to Drug Education

Takes a look at elements of best practise in drug education and approaches that support and build resilience in children

Statutory RSHE briefing

An overview of the key considerations and actions needed to implement statutory RSHE successfully and ensure ongoing compliance with DfE requirements

Strategies to Support Safe and Effective PSHEe Delivery

Explores how to create a safe environment for learning, managing questions and delivering sensitive topics

Online Safety and Behaviours

A range of sessions across the field of online and digital safety, including sharing images (sexting), impacts of pornography and many more


Specific training sessions for both primary and secondary phase colleagues on a range of themes across the field of Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)

A Governors Introduction to Health & Wellbeing in Schools

A series of 90-minute sessions aimed at Governors and Trustees to introduce some of the key topics and themes within Health and Wellbeing, including Drugs, Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing, RSE and Health Education

Bespoke sessions

We can design and deliver tailored sessions on all aspects of PSHE/RSHE. Please contact us to discuss any bespoke needs or themes that may not be shown here
Sessions can be delivered as INSET, via twilight sessions or as part of our workforce development central training programme via our partnership with Services 4 Schools.
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