Health & Wellbeing in Schools

Providing PSHE education support and consultancy

Health & Wellbeing in Schools Ltd is a Midlands based company, specialising in Personal, Social, Health & Economic education (PSHEe) support for schools and other learning providers and organisations.

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Benefits to schools

Schools will benefit from specialist support on driving improvement in PSHE education from a dedicated advisor allocated to your school.

What our clients say

‘I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support you have given our schools this year. I know that our schools have really valued your input, support and advice with the RSE work and the development of PSHE as a whole.'
Executive Headteacher, Primary MAT
‘I have had an AMAZING CPD course over the past two hours! I have made lots of notes and have many ideas to implement and discuss. It has also made me feel so much more confident when talking about PSHE , my role , the way we teach and how well we teach PSHE in our school. Just wanted to let you know that it was really useful so thank you for the opportunity.'
Feedback from training course delegate
‘Thank you so much for all the help and support you have given us in preparing for the statutory RSHE curriculum. Your advice is reliable, timely and I always know you are there to support us with anything that comes up. The staff training session you delivered was really well received by teachers.'
PSHE subject lead, Primary

Our partners